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The Zephyr & Zodiac Club of  Victoria Inc

On the 28th of  May 2023,  five Z car enthusiasts met to discuss starting a club to promote the one thing we all had in common,  Zephyrs' & Zodiac's.


It was agreed we would call the club​ the "Zephyr & Zodiac Club of  Victoria Inc" so Z car people from all regions of the state and beyond would bring their cars out of the dusty sheds and enjoy them with like minded people. 


The founding members at that meeting were,

Mark Aggenbach, Andrew Maclean, Mandy Cannon, Sue Edwards, and Kevin Murray.


It was agreed the club would be about family first, and that all members would have input on the running of the club.          It is the members who make a great club.


Since that night we have grown to have over 40 members from all over Victoria and even Queensland including junior members aged from 9 to 12 that have been present promoting the club at most of the major car shows throughout the state.


The club started a monthly Cars and Coffee event in Nathalia that is bringing people and money into the town for a few hours every second Sunday of the month. 


Since forming the club it has been featured in many newspaper articles  from different publications around the state and​ is growing from strength to strength, and we thank every member and supporter for that.


We are excited to see what the future brings the club. 


 Zephyr & Zodiac Club of  Victoria Inc
Committee 2024/2025

Members working for Members

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